A social media influencer is someone who has a significant following on one or more social media platforms and can affect the opinions, beliefs, and behaviors of their followers. Typically, social media influencers have developed a large and engaged audience through their content, which can include posts, videos, photos, or other types of media.
Influence is based on trust, which is in turn built on 3 pillars. All humans consciously or subconsciously ask themselves these questions when evaluating whether to trust someone else.
What Makes A Good Influencer?
Character What are the person’s intentions? Are they doing this for themselves or for the benefit of others? Are they telling the truth? This is why authenticity and transparency are key.
Competence What is the person’s perceived expertise and what makes them a trusted source of advice? Assuming their intentions are good, are they capable of carrying out these intentions?
Community Do other people know this person and what do they say about them? An influencer’s number of followers often acts as a perceived proof point.